In a bid to enhance user engagement and foster more meaningful connections, WhatsApp, now under the ownership of Meta, has introduced an exciting new feature – video messaging. This latest update allows users to record and send video clips directly within the messaging app, bringing a whole new dimension of emotion and personalization to their conversations.
WhatsApp Expands Functionality with Username and Screen Sharing Features
WhatsApp is continuously working on enhancing its user experience by introducing new features. Recent reports from WABetaInfo, a platform that tracks WhatsApp beta versions, reveal that WhatsApp is developing usernames and screen sharing capabilities. These new additions are poised to bring further convenience and functionality to the app.
WhatsApp Introduces ‘Chat Lock’ Feature to Enhance Conversation Privacy
WhatsApp, one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, has taken a step towards enhancing user privacy with the introduction of a new feature called “Chat Lock.”